Moving Pets to Singapore: A Complete Guide | PetRelocation
Israel Pet Transport
What to Know About Bringing Dogs & Cats to Israel
Israel Pet Import Rules and Requirements
Moving pets safely to Israel requires a bit of time and planning, especially since a rabies antibody titer test is included in the import steps (if your pet is not traveling from a rabies-free country).
In addition to the titer test, Israel requires pets to have a microchip implanted, a valid rabies vaccination, and an import permit in order to enter the country -- not to mention a few customs forms to inform Veterinary Services of your pet’s arrival.
The information and requirements below can help guide you through the process of importing pets to Israel, but your PetRelocation Specialists can manage these details for you.
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Regulations for Importing Pets to Israel
Attention: This information is to be used as general guidelines and may not be updated to meet the current requirements. Before you travel, be sure to contact the appropriate authorities for your destination country.
Each pet shall be identified by means of a microchip. No other form of identification is acceptable. The microchip used should comply with ISO Standard 11784 or ISO standard 11785.
Rabies Vaccination and Certificate
All pets must have an original Rabies Certificate signed by the vet. This rabies vaccination must occur at least 30 days prior to arrival, but within 360 days of arrival.
Rabies Antibody Titer Test
After the rabies vaccination (at least 30 days later), pets must receive a rabies antibody titer test to ensure that the rabies vaccination has provided adequate rabies antibody levels and must be tested by a government-approved facility. Your vet will send these to the approved lab. Please have your vet call them before sending to make sure they are aware of the delivery and the destination location. The results of the blood test must be 0.5 IU/ml or above. Your vet will need to scan your pet’s microchip prior to the blood draw for the titer test.
Import Permit
Your PetRelocation Specialist will obtain this on your behalf. Please note that the import permit must be issued within 10 days of arrival.
APHIS Form 7001
This is the standard Health Certificate to be filled out by your USDA accredited Veterinarian. It must be issued within 10 days of arrival.
Israel Health Certificate
This should be issued by a USDA Accredited Veterinarian within 10 days of arrival.
USDA Endorsements
The above referenced forms need to be sent to your local USDA office for their stamp of approval prior to your pet’s travels. Please contact your PetRelocation Specialist to learn more about best way to manage this. The endorsed documents will need to travel with your pet to Israel.
Additional Details
Israel also requires arriving pets to have a notification form (Annex B) and a declaration of the pet owner (Annex C) faxed to the offices of the Veterinary Services at the point of entry (along with copies of the health documents) two working days prior to departure.