Are you trying to find a pet friendly landlord who will not only welcome Fido with open paws, but understand the pooch’s need to use the backyard as a potty? Are you someone whose home-buying priority isn&rsquo…
Miss Jillian!! She's here, she's here, she's here! I'd just gotten through emailing my family and sending them pictures of Boo in her new temporary quarantine home. Will and I went out there for a couple of hours today to…
A military police dog has gone missing after a flight from Norway, WTOP reported:A Norwegian military dog is missing on the grounds of Dulles International Airport. "The airline called me to the gate and told me my dog…
Note: Check with your Pet Relocation Consultant to find out about the most current rules for importing pets to Saudi Arabia.
We recently had several comments asking how to bring dogs to Saudi Arabia, particularly because people wanted to know…
After a massive volcano eruption in Iceland, pet friendly travel to Europe and the UK has been affected due to volcanic ash dangers. We have been monitoring all of our pet friendly airlines to make sure that arrangements are being…
As in-cabin pet travel fees rise, pet owners are finding themselves resorting to smuggling to keep costs down. A recent report from Christopher Elliott at the Seattle Times found that more pet owners have been caught sneaking their pets on…
The first ever social media conference for pet lovers, called BlogPaws, was held over the wekeend in Ohio. While we weren't able to make the pet travel trip, we kept up with the tweets and attendees through Twitter and…
This week we answered a question for Pet Travel Center's Ask the Pet Relocation Expert about moving pets to Iraq.The questioner wrote:My husband is getting a job in Iraq as a contractor for the Department of Defense. We…