Pet travel news: “More owners smuggling” pets on planes
As in-cabin pet travel fees rise, pet owners are finding themselves resorting to smuggling to keep costs down. A recent report from Christopher Elliott at the Seattle Times found that more pet owners have been caught sneaking their pets on planes as a way to avoid pet airline fees.
"When I asked why I had to pay a fee in order to stuff my dog under the seat in front of me, I was told it was their policy," [Boggs] said. "I concluded that it's really just a ploy to charge another fee." A lot of travelers have been arriving at the same conclusion lately, although exact numbers are difficult to come by. Instead of paying extra "pet fees" to hotels or airlines, they're spiriting their animal companions into their bags or under blankets in the hope of saving a few bucks. They also are bending the truth when it comes to their pets, said Ami Moore, a Chicago-based canine behaviorist. One wealthy client recently offered Moore $10,000 to "certify" her dog as a service animal, which would have given the animal a free ride.
What do you think? Have you ever smuggled your pet into a hotel? What about onto an airplane?