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Incredible Experiences: A Cat Relocation to Malaysia

"Wolfie & Mimi's Trip" Client Care Specialist Tobi Ditmore managed the relocation of our two cats from Houston, Texas to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- a journey of almost 10,000 miles. Nothing but impressive -- excellent communication throughout, and she even…

Pet Move of the Month: Four Pets Travel to Thailand!

This month's featured pet move spotlights the journey of a family who wouldn't think of relocating to Thailand without everyone -- their four pets included. Meet Zeke and Diego (two Golden Retrievers) and George and Zack (two Bombay…

Incredible Experiences: Hercules Moves to Texas!

"SJU to DFW" The PetRelocation team was great. Hercules, my golden retriever, is a tall dog and requires the biggest crate made. Unfortunately a lot of airlines won't take that size crate anymore and others only take it on…

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