Traveling Internationally Before Your Pets: Boris and Henderson’s Story
When you travel before your pets, it can be stressful not knowing how they're being looked after. But, when you leave your pets in the care of PetRelocation you don't have to worry! We will keep you informed every step of the way. That's what Tracy, mom of Boris and Henderson, found when she had to leave her pets behind. Here's their story!
Our animals were due to fly at the same time as us but from different airports (Chicago for the animals and Atlanta for us ) but it didn't turn out like that. Unfortunately, our dog Boris had an upset stomach as he was being loaded onto the plane and was deemed unfit to fly. Jill quickly arranged a boarding facility for Boris and kept us informed about every detail. British Airways stopped all passenger flights after this, so Jill worked closely with BA to arrange the next cargo flight ( a week later).

We were on one side of the Atlantic and our pets were on the other, but we knew they were well looked after. Jill was professional at all times and kept us informed in what was a constantly changing environment. She knew how much Boris and Henderson meant to us and gave 100%.
Thank goodness for PetRelocation is all I can say. From beginning to end they were fantastic.
If you and your pet need assistance traveling across the world, or across the country, we can help! Send us your questions, or arrange a free consultation with one of our specialists. We'd love to be part of your adventure. While you're at it, make sure to tag us on Instagram to share your journey with the hashtag #MyPetRelocation!