Pet Move of the Month: Tobi’s Relocation to Hungary
Sometimes pet owners go through quite a journey even before they move -- in the case of Tobi's owners, they had trouble finding a good option for bringing their French Bulldog from Japan to Hungary due to various restrictions affecting snub-nosed breeds.
They didn't need to worry, however, because eventually they found PetRelocation. Catie and Sandhya soon took over Tobi's move, and thanks to lots of smart and careful planning, this sweet Frenchie is now happily exploring his new home.
Here's more about this month's featured move from Tobi's owner. Congrats, Tobi!
What brought about your move?
My husband's contract ends in July in Tokyo, but I had to move "ahead" because of the temperature restrictions imposed on French bulldogs when transported.
What surprised you about the pet travel process?
How easy it can be. The whole process (once PetRelocation broke it down for me) suddenly seemed not only manageable but logical.
The move itself was a smooth one; your company was very well prepared and right on time with every piece of advice and every document. I had heard many stories from friends that their dogs had to spend an extra few days in quarantine because of missing papers, but this did not happen with your company.
Just ask Catie: I had a bumpy start before I found you. I was denied by several companies who refused to ship short nosed breeds. I was panicking until Catie wrote back ensuring me that you would find a way to transport Tobi.

How did Tobi handle the move and how is he settling in?
Very well. He's an easy dog. Right after the move, I couldn't spot any signs of stress due to the air shipment so I assume he was nicely handled during his trip.
I think Tobi really started to settle in a few days after the move, and now he's more relaxed in his new environment. He's a little dog with very little self confidence, so I know it will take some time.
What advice do you have for other pet travelers?
Don't go for the cheaper offer! I know many people make a price based decision when it comes to transporting family pets, but look around and ask around.
For us, reviews and the reputation of the company mattered more. When planning overseas pet shipping, a few hundred dollars difference won't buy you peace of mind!

Thanks again to Tobi's family for choosing us to assist with their move! Learn more about our process and be sure to contact us if you have a pet relocation of your own on the horizon.