Pet Travel Story: Lady P Goes to London

Incredible Experiences: Bringing a Cat to the UK

After over nine years in California, I decided to move back to London and naturally had to bring my cat Lady Penelope with me. I couldn't bear the thought of her spending six months in quarantine, so I started to research the process of avoiding all that, which turned out to be quite complicated!

I got a little overwhelmed by all the details and requirements (on top of the complications of moving myself), so sought some help from a third party and found PetRelocation. Maegan talked me through the process -- a door-to-door service enabling me to focus on my own move. I felt really comfortable in our discussion and reassured that it would go smoothly.

While moving a pet this way is not cheap, I could not find anyone else who offered the same streamlined door-to-door service, and the relief of being able to hand the process over to those who know what they're doing was enormous!

Anna was in charge of the operation, and all I had to do was drop Lady P off at her vet (she was flying after me) and let them take care of the rest. PetRelocation talked to Lady P's vets, making sure her chip, rabies shot and papers were in order while I focused on my move. Bottom line is I didn't trust myself to navigate the process properly. One mistake and Lady P would have ended up in quarantine for six months!

Several days after my arrival the doorbell rang and a gentleman dropped off Lady P. I was expecting her to be somewhat bedraggled after such a long journey, but she was very chirpy and fluffy, having had nothing to do for 20 hours but clean herself.

Obviously she has no idea where she is, but has adjusted to London life very well and I'm a very happy customer. Thank you Maegan and Anna and all at PetRelocation for moving Lady P from San Francisco to London for me!



Pet Transport Details:

Name: George
Pet's Name: Lady Penelope
From: San Francisco, CA, USA
To: London, England, UK

Need help planning your pet's move to the UK (or elsewhere)? Contact us to learn about your safe pet shipping options.



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Incredible Experiences


