So my dogs started in China, then went to the USA, and with PetRelocation went to the UK.
We had such a hard time going to the USA by ourselves, but getting into the UK was easy. A few hours after calling PetRelocation we were well on our way with having most of the paperwork done, vet appointments scheduled, and well -- on our way, so to speak.
My situation was unique. My wife and I live and work in China, and were in the USA only for the wedding. We brought our dogs and had to leave them in the USA, but this wasn't a problem for PetRelocation.
We were able to arrange the entire move for the dogs from US to UK FROM CHINA! They offered to take the dogs to the vet for us and personally hand carried the documents for us.
It was the most personal service I have ever had.
Needless to say, the dogs traveled to the UK without problem, on time, and we were never in the dark about their location, the situation or the process. It was really, really great.
Name: Madison
Company: GameFé
Pets' Names: Coco & Butter
From: USA
To: UK
Need help moving your pets to the UK or elsewhere? Please contact PetRelocation for a pet travel consultation.