Dog Travel Story: Max’s Move From Norway to Texas

max in norwayIncredible Experiences: Max's Trip to Texas

The move of our dog Max, was his third move, and final leg as we moved around the globe (Houston to Australia in 2011, to Norway in 2013, and back to Houston in 2016). 

This move was extremely easy and Sandhya was always available via email to ask any and all of my (many, many) questions. 

I reached out to PetRelocation based on both your online reputation as well as experience with you from a fellow expat. 

Thank you so much for delivering our most precious delivery to us safely and with very little stress!!




Pet Travel Details:

Name: Chris
Pet's Name: Max
From: Norway
To: Texas, United States

Planning a move with your pet? Contact PetRelocation to set up a consultation.


PetRelocation Team


Air Travel, Incredible Experiences




United States