Pet Transport Blog

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Progressive Insurance Adds Pets to Policy - In a unique and interesting pet move, Progressive Auto Insurance announced today that they are going to be adding pets to their coverage policies. Pets (dogs and cats) of Progressive insurance holders will be insured up to $500…

Traveling with your pets to Belize!

Pet traveling to Belize! Belize. The very name sounds enchanting does it not? And the same holds true for this splendid Central American beauty. Studded with beautiful natural wonders and lush green meadows, Belize is a dream come true for…

New SNIF Tags Help Dog Owners Monitor Pets While Away

Part social network, part baby monitor, today a new company called SNIF Tags started following us on Twitter.SNIF Tags offer a small RFID chip that attaches to your dog's collar, where you can then log in to their online…

Pet Birds Not Allowed to be Imported into Australia

Name: Vicki Subject: Pet Moving An African Grey Parrot Question: My sister emigrated to Australia how can her African Grey Parrot of 25 years join her please. I live in London and would handle all arrangements. Thank you, Vicki. Answer: Hi…

Costa Rica Airport Closing Dates for Holidays - Below is important information from our agent in Costa Rica regarding the pet friendly San Juan Airport closing for the holidays. Pets should not arrive as manifest cargo during these closure dates.Costa Ricas main terminal…

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