Pet Transport Blog

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Testimonial - Shelly the cat to Australia! - We got a great Monday morning testimonial today, this one for Matt at our Australia desk. We cat travel moved Shelley the cat from Bellevue, Washington to Adelaide, Australia.Matt,Thanks for organizing everything. We picked up…

Operation Baghdad Pups! - Please help and/or visit, Operation Baghdad Pups as it truly is one of the best resources to come out of this war of ours! I am sure many of you have heard of them, as they…

Cats from Dominican Republic to Philippines

From D.Subject: Moving two cats from Dominican Republic to PhilippinesQuestion: I would like to move two cats to Manila, Philippines. I currently am a US citizen and living in Santo Domingo, so leaving Santo Domingo, Dominican…

A Canine Contender for President! - When I was a kid, I wrote a story about my horse, Sundown, who we had to put to sleep because of a broken leg. I submitted the story to a newsletter that I found online called …

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