Pet Transport Blog

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New ASPCA Site Reaches Out to Pet-Loving Kids

I came across a great new pet friendly site today called Animaland, which is run by the ASPCA.  It's designed for kids and young adults, helping them sort through the important issues of pet rescue, pet adoption and caring…

Check out resources on PetMD! is now exclusively providing pet friendly PetMD, the largest trusted online pet health resource, with our country-specific pet import requirements.  We also now feature a Pet Health Directory under Our Resources.  This information is to all…

Travel the World to See These 14 Weird Animals

Budget Travel has a great list of "14 Weird Animals You Can pet Travel to See."  Near the top of the list is the Naked Mole Rat, which we have actually moved internationally before.  However, if you want to…

Beer for…dogs?

Leave it to the pet friendly UK to start up a new trend!  Cara, one of our Asia Pacific specialists told me today about "dog beer," an alcohol-free version of the pint lover's favorite cold one.What do you…

Pet Moving - Hire a Pro or Go It Alone?

I came across an interesting article today on MSN by Marilyn Lewis entitled "Moving: Hire a pro or do it yourself?"Lewis brings up some great points about planning ahead and how to go about picking out a good, reputable…

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