Pet Transport Blog

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Pet Transport from Florida to Hong Kong

Dear Jillian,I would like to take this opportunity to thank both you and your company for a job well done. Moving to another country is stressful in itself, but moving a beloved pet can be overwhelming. You were there…

TwitPets on the San Francisco Chronicle blog

One of our sister sites, TwitPets, was featured on "Tails of the City" today, the San Francisco Chronice's pet blog.Tweet if you love pets Pet friendly Twitter fans now have a central place to tweet about their furry pals.…

Moving Birds to Hawaii

Q. We are moving to Kauai, HI this December; I understand the State's quarantine restrictions/requirements; however, these are for dogs and cats. I am looking for information about my birds... is there a quarantine for importing birds into…

Two Great Boarding Kennels in Hong Kong

Petrelocation - We received some feedback recently regarding boarding and day care kennels in pet friendly Hong Kong. The first one is PetWorld, a fun pet-lover's paradise that appeals to both dog owners and their pups. According to one…

Relocation from Shanghai to Manila with a Cat

Name: EmjheighSubject: Pet Traveling with a cat from Shanghai to ManilaQuestion: I'm in shanghai and going to Manila, Philippines. I really want my cat to come travel with me home. No one will take care of her here. Can you…

Relocation from Malaysia to the UK with Pets?

From our question about Malaysia last week, we got a follow up question below.Name: NatalieSubject: Pet Moving a dog to MalaysiaQuestion: We are going to Malaysia for about 4 months and are wanting to take our dog, does the dog…

Relocation From France to England with Dog

Question: I am planning to return to live in England from France. I will be driving back and am not sure what the legal requirements are for me to bring my French dog back with me.Can you please advise?…

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