Pet Transport Blog

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Pet Travel Kit Checklist - Perfect for your next trip!

We came across a great pet travel checklist today on What Happens  Whether you're traveling by air or by road, they have some handy tips for what to pack.  We even offered our own advice in the "Important…

Dogs and their owners beat the heat in Rome!

If you're in Rome and looking for a way to get out of the heat, why not check out Bau Beach, Rome's best dog park by the sea.The organiser of pet friendly Bau Beach, Pierpaolo Azzone, offers pets water…

New Spill-Proof Pet Water Bowl from Flydog

Check out this pet friendly bowl from Flydog, which they're saying is the "Last pet bowl [img_assist|nid=5017|title=|desc=|link=url|url=|align=right|width=336|height=309]you'll ever buy!"Its unique wave…

“Thank you very much for your services!”

Our pet travel service helped move Cindy safely and her owner wrote us a letter to let us know! Cindy's doing great, thank you very much for your services. It was just like advertised, from door to door.Hope…

Door to Door Pet Moving Services

Cindy's doing great, thank you very much for your pet moving services. It was just like advertised, from door to door.Hope you have a great weekend.Best regards,GM

Tax Deductible Pet Care In the Works?

A new US House Bill (HR 3501) has been proposed by Michigan lawmaker Thaddeus McCotter to make pet care expenses tax-deductible.  The bill, known as the HAPPY Act, or the Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years, would amend the Internal…

“As good as it gets, a great outcome!”

Jillian, Just wanted to confirm that we did receive Brownie last night at about 7:00pm. I am aware that there are a lot of complexities at this end that could have delayed matters but we are very happy with the…

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