Pet Transport Blog

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Australia Pet Quarantine - How does it work?

What exactly does the term quarantine mean in the U.S. (150 days) and for the 30 day period in pet friendly Australia? Can the pet be at home under "house quarantine" or is it in a government kennel all that time? …

Pictures of two customers moving to Singapore!

We thought we'd share a couple of pictures of our current customers moving to pet friendly Singapore.  First up is Tiger, from San Francisco!  We love the decorations on this picture!Second we have Whitlam, who is pet…

Customer Picture:  Hello from China!

 We got a great picture today from one of our customers who we moved from pet friendly Utah to Yantai, which is in the Shandong Province of China.  This picture is of Ron with his three dogs, Briggs,…

Bonnie and Clyde Arrived in Paris!

Hi Matt,Bonnie and Clyde are doing well. Thanks for asking. We were having internet connection issues, my apologies for not updating you on them sooner. The kitties appear to have weathered the big trip without issue. Their sniffers are…

Pet owner in China pays $600K for a dog

If you thought the woman renting out a business class cabin to travel with her pet was impressive, just wait until you read this. Talk about first class pet travel: A millionaire in northern pet friendly China paid four million…

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