Name: Emily T.Number of Pets: 2Pet Type: birdsPet Breed: Sun Conure, Jenday conureFrom: Boston, MA, USATo: Sarajevo, BiHI need to ship my two birds from Boston to Sarajevo, they will likely travel through Germay. What if any restrictions are…
Meet Raven, a small black and white chihuahua/Pomeranian mix just over a year old. This little guy has overcome a few hurdles in his life, and he's now very ready to join a loving home.When he was a…
Name: Mar
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Cat (2 years old)
From: Nashville, TN
To: Montreal, QC, Canada
I'm actually moving from Dallas, TX to Nashville, TN. I'll be driving with my cat. We will stay in TN a…
Meet Hank Hill, PetRelocation's Adoptable pet for Wednesday's installment of the BlogPaws Be the Change for Pets Challenge. We will feature a pet-in-need every day for a week, and we need your help in spreading the word.
We decided to feature a dog today who's been at the Town Lake Animal Shelter in Austin for almost a month (since August 25th). Meet Mandie, a beautiful brindle Pit Bull terrier/Boxer mix. She has…
Name: Sarah D.Number of Pets: 1Pet Type: DogPet Breed: Bichon/King Charles CavalierFrom: San Francisco, CATo: Santiago, ChileHello, I am going to be moving in the next 3 weeks to Santiago, Chile. My dog received the 3-year Rabies vaccination on 9/5/2009…
Attending the pet blogging conference BlogPaws 2010 last week inspired us to work harder to make the world a better place for animals everywhere. On that note, we'll be participating in the BlogPaws "Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet" Week, which…
We recently attended BlogPaws 2010, a conference for pet lovers who use blogging to promote various worthwhile causes. This experience inspired us to take a look at the vibrant community of organizations currently fighting for animal rights, and we've discovered…