Pet Transport Blog

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Pet Travel Question: Shipping Pets to Thailand

Name: Cecilia Number of Pets: 5 Pet Type: Cats Pet Breed: One British Short Hair, One Persian, Three Domestic Short Hair From: Hong Kong To: Bangkok, Thailand   Is there a quarantine for Thailand? Can my pets travel on the same…

Pet Travel Question: Pet Flights to Manchester

Name: Denise From: Orlando, Florida To: Manchester, England Pet: Hershey (Three-year-old Chihuahua/Dachshund Mix) Which airlines have direct flights to Manchester, England? Which airlines are trustworthy and are familiar with pet travel? Hershey, has been vaccinated , microchipped, and has had…

Pet Travel News Update: United Expands Pet Shipments to Manchester

We've been following the news and developments accompanying the United/Continental Airline merger, and over the past few weeks United has been following a path of general expansion. Beginning on May 1, Manchester will become the 15th transatlantic destination served…

News: Updated Pet Travel Foreign Service Regulations

Here's some pet travel news that may be relevant to members of the Foreign Service. When Foreign Service travelers cannot check their pets as accompanied baggage, they'll now be able to take advantage of government rates of a…

Pet Travel Question: Ferrets and Cats to Canada

Name: Ewan From: Melbourne, Australia To: Vancouver, BC Pets: Chimaira (ferret, 3yrs),  Kublai (ferret, 2yrs), Pirate (ferret, 3.5yrs), Nightwish (cat, domestic longhair) Just to make things complicated we want to bring most of our pets with us when we…

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