Name: Amy
Number of Pets: 2
Pet Type: Cats
Pet Breed:
From: Serbia
To: Mississippi, USA
What forms are necessary to travel with my pets? They are from Serbia and will be moving to the USA. Normally the flight has a…
Name: Cheryl
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Shih Tzu
From: Alberta, Canada
To: Yuma , Arizona
We're snowbirds planning to bring our dog with us. Will we need to have an international health certificate as well as…
Name: Danice
Pet's Name: Desi
From: Kuala Lumpur
To: Houston
We actually moved Desi with round trip - Houston to Kuala Lumpur in 2010 and back to Houston in 2012. They did a great job both directions!
What I…
Have a great Friday and wonderful weekend, pet lovers!
This New York hotel has a "posh pet" program.
Cats and dogs come together -- all in the name of fashion.
What are the top ten most expensive pets?
Name: Kim
Number of Pets: Two
Pet Type: Cats
Pet Breed: Calico
From: Germany
To: United States
We moved our cats from United States to Germany two years ago. We are now moving back to the United States. Is there…
Name: Sara
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Tortoise
Pet Breed: Russian
From: Netherlands
To: Poland
What are the regulations for taking a tortoise from the Netherlands to Poland? I moved it already from the UK to the Netherlands and…
Name: Larissa
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Havanese
From: USA
To: South Korea
I know that the regulations for bringing a pet to Korea will be changing starting December 2012,
however I am not understanding if now the…
Name: Tim
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Mixed Breed
From: Chicago
To: Kazakhstan
What information do I need to know regarding costs and quarantine?
Hi Tim,
Thanks for your question. Here's some…