Top Relocation Destinations: Moving Pets to Singapore

Many places, such as the United States, the UK and China, have experienced steady numbers of transferees, and a few others, such as Singapore, have seen dramatic increases in corporate relocations. Singapore is a bustling hub for business and industry populated by about 5 million people, thus it's no surprise that this can be a top destination for relocating -- and relocating with pets.
Steps for Moving a Pet to Singapore
Moving to Singapore with pets requires about two to four months of careful preparation, and depending on where you're coming from, you'll also be facing quarantines of varying length. For the Continental US, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Austria, France, Germany and Italy these are the steps to keep in mind:
1. Six Months Continuous Residence in Country of Export (or since birth)
Your issuing veterinarian (i.e. local veterinarian) will need to state on the health certificate that your pet has resided continuously in the country of export for the six months prior to departure or since birth.
Your government veterinarian (for example, the USDA) will also need to be willing to endorse paperwork stating that your pet has resided continuously in the country of export. Check with your specialist about this one, as there are exceptions (such as pets coming from Shanghai).
2. Microchip
Each pet shall be identified by means of a microchip. No other form of identification is acceptable. The microchip used should comply with ISO Standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO standard 11785, and AVID 9-digit chips are accepted as well.
3. First Rabies Vaccination & Certificate & All Other Vaccinations
All pets must have an original Rabies Certificate and this certificate must state the microchip number, the date of inoculation, and the validity of the particular vaccination you obtain - some are good for two years, others are only good for one. This vaccine must be an inactivated vaccine. For import into Singapore, the first rabies vaccine must be OLDER than four months.
Other Vaccinations (List on Separate Certificate)
Cat Flu (Feline calcivirus, Feline viral rhinotracheitis, Chlamydia psittaci)*
Cat Enteritis (Feline Panieukopaenia / Feline parvovirus)*
*At least two weeks prior to import.
(Wait 30 days between these two steps)
4. Rabies Serology (FAVN) Test
Your vet will need to perform a rabies blood test on your pet at least 30 days after the first rabies vaccination, but within six months prior to export. The results need to show your pet has a rabies titre test of =/> .5 IU/mL.
5. Second Rabies Vaccination & Certificate
All pets must have an original Rabies Certificate and this certificate must state the microchip number, the date of inoculation and the validity of the particular vaccination you obtain - some are good for two years, others are only good for one. This vaccine must be an inactivated vaccine. For import into Singapore, the second rabies vaccine must be OLDER than 30 days at the time of import. The second rabies vaccine must be given AFTER the titer blood draw. It can be performed on the same day as long as it is done in the correct order.
6. Reserve Quarantine Space
Once the original lab results come back from the rabies serology FAVN test, you will be ready to apply for quarantine space. Be aware that there is often a wait for quarantine space in the summer and around the holidays, so apply early for a reservation during these times.
7. Import Permit
You must obtain an import permit prior to arrival in Singapore.
8. Vet Health Certificate (Form 7001) & AVA Veterinary Certificate
These need to be filled out by your USDA accredited Veterinarian, and it must be issued within seven days of the flight. It must also be stated the pet was treated for external parasites within 2-10 days prior to the flight, and internal parasites within four days of the flight.
9. USDA Endorsement
The Vet Health Certificate needs to be endorsed along with all supporting documents. Please contact your PetRelocation representative about the best way to handle this.
10. Quarantine
There is now a 10-day mandatory quarantine upon arrival in Singapore for pets coming from the Continental US, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Austria, France, Germany and Italy, and reservations must be made with the Singapore Animal Quarantine Station prior to arrival. Though travelers are often nervous about putting their pets into quarantine, be aware that Singapore facilities are known for being welcoming and safe; pet owners can visit every day, yards are available for playtime, and in our experience staff members have been consistently friendly and accommodating.
You can find out more about Singapore quarantine facilities on our site.
If you're bringing pets to Singapore from a country other than the ones mentioned above, please consult the Singapore government website, and if you have questions about any of these regulations, please contact a Pet Relocation Specialist for more information.