Rabbit travel to the United Arab Emirates from India
Name: Keerthi
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Rabbit
From: India
Hi, I am planning to move from India to Abu Dhabi shortly and would like to take my pet bunny with me. I am told that he would require myxomatosis & VHD vaccines to be able to apply for an import permit. Sadly, these vaccines are unavailable in India as per some of the leading veterinary surgeons I have spoken to here. Are these vaccines a must for rabbits entering the UAE? I get different information from different shippers. One of them (AVC) told me my rabbit needs no vaccinations, only a health certificate to travel. DKC, on the other hand, says these vaccines are a must. Can you please let me know if my rabbit needs these vaccines to enter the UAE? If they are unavailable in India, is there a way to import the vaccines from the UAE or have them administered by the local vet upon arrival in the UAE? Thank you. - Keerthi
Hi Keerthi,
Thanks for your inquiry! As you've already discovered, rabbits can be tricky to move due to various international rules and regulations. In our experience, pet rabbits will need a rabies vaccine, an import permit and the vaccines you mentioned. It's always a good idea to double check with the UAE Ministry of Agriculture to find out what the latest import requirements are, and in this case, the Veterinary Council of India or India Ministry of Agriculture to find out about obtaining the VHD and myxomatosis vaccines.
Please contact us if you'd like further assistance in sorting out this situation. One of our Pet Relocation Specialists would be happy to consult with you and help plan your move.
Good luck!