PetRelocation Culture Club: Relationship Expert & Author Jason Fischer
As we work to continuously expand our skills and learn about anything that may help us to be better people and pet relocation specialists, we invited Jason Fischer, therapist and author of The Two Truths About Love, to join us for a lunch and learn session today.
As a former Buddhist monk and now a practicing counselor, Jason advocates innovation through transformation. His book and counseling sessions demonstrate how, through mindfulness and by exercising skills inherent in each of us, personal joy and overall lifetime satisfaction are attainable.
Here's a snippet from Jason's Facebook page:
Jason's original and dynamic philosophy, which he calls "The Permission Principle", is founded upon the premise that success in every arena of life hinges upon an individual's ability to build and maintain extraordinary relationships--not just with others, but within one's self, and in relation to every aspect of the world in general.
We look forward to thinking more about these ideas and working to apply them to daily life, at work and at home. Thanks to Jason for providing us with an enlightening lunch break today!