Pet Travel Update: Importing Pets to Panama
An official international health certificate issued by the government of the origin country OR a health certificate from a private veterinarian as well as documentation that the rabies vaccination is up-to-date.
The Panama health department now asks for the following:
1. An international health certificate.
2. A vet health certificate (authenticated by a Panamanian Consulate).
3. The rabies record.
In other words, the private vet health certificate now has to be authenticated by the Panamanian authorities. If you're entering Panama from the United States, you'll need the USDA APHIS 7001 Form authenticated by the Panamanian Consulate and up-to-date rabies records. Note that it is still necessary to send the home quarantine form at least three days in advance.
If you have any questions about moving pets to Panama, please contact PetRelocation!