Pet Travel Question: The effects of leaving pets behind (for a few weeks)
Number of Pets: 2
Pet Type: Dogs
Pet Breed: Yorkie and Morkie
From: Canada
To: Florida
I am moving to Florida for four months and can't bring my pets with me! Having said that I am leaving them with a family member who both dogs love and spend a lot of time with. Even though I know they are in good hands, though, I am worried about the effect it will have on them of me being away so long. Will they forget me? Or not want to come back home to me when I return? I have been struggling with this guilt more and more the closer it comes to my departure and I would just like a professional opinion to hopefully ease my anxiety about this!
Hi Olivia,
This question is a little different than the ones we normally address, but we're happy to offer some advice! First, it sounds like you're a very conscientious pet owner and take great care of your dogs. They're lucky to have you!
In our experience, we've found that pets are very resilient, and if you're leaving them with a trusted friend they will surely be fine. In fact, even though it's tough to leave them this is actually a caring thing to do; putting pets through the stress of travel when it's not a permanent move just isn't necessary, and the time you're gone will surely fly by.
As long as you get back to a normal schedule once you return from Florida and show them plenty of love, your pups will probably feel and act completely normal in no time. Talk to your vet if you have more questions (we're pet shippers, not pet psychologists, after all), but it sounds like you're putting yourself through a little too much stress right now (we all do it, don't worry).
Good luck, contact us if you have more questions, and feel free to keep in touch! Also, don't forget that Facebook is a great resource for talking with other pet owners, and reaching out to people there may hopefully help put your mind at ease.