Pet Travel Question: Moving to the Philippines
Number of Pets: 2
Pet Type: Dog and Cat
Pet Breed: Yorkshire Terrier and Domestic House Cat
From: Germany
To: Philippines
I am considering a temporary (1-2 year) move to the Philippines, but I'm concerned that when I leave the Philippines I will have a difficult time with re-entry for my pets to either the EU (Italy or Germany) or the US. Will I face additional restrictions moving my pets to the EU or the US from the Philippines, than I would if I were to move between the EU/US?
Hi Sara,
Thanks for your question! First of all, here are the pet import requirements for the Philippines just in case you've yet to see them. When returning from your move, it's best to review the individual import requirements for the countries you're considering and take it from there. Check out our country pages for Italy, Germany and the US. As you can see, no matter where you're coming from you'll have to meet a set of standard requirements similar to those that were needed to go into the Philippines.
If you need help sorting any of this out, please don't hesitate to contact us! One of our Pet Relocation Specialists would be happy to answer your questions. Good luck in your travels!