Pet Travel Question: Moving to Barbados and the UK quarantine
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Cat
Pet Breed: Short Hair Domestic
From: Toronto
To: Barbados
I heard that my cat must be quarantined in England for six months. Do you know if there is a way to avoid this long quarantine, like by proving she's in good health? Also, how do I go about arranging the quarantine?
Hi Rita,
Here are the pet import requirements for Barbados. Previously pets have been allowed to enter Barbados after being routed through the UK due to this country's strict entry policy, however their rules are scheduled to change in a few months. Anyone moving before January 2012 still needs to abide by the traditional rules, but after that there will no longer be a quarantine (the UK is essentially going to start following the same standards as the rest of the EU).
You can find out more about the new UK import rules here, but for your situation we'd recommend contacting the Barbados Ministry of Agriculture to find out if they'll be changing their policies in relation to these UK modifications.
Please contact us if you have any more questions. Good luck!