Pet Travel Question: Moving Ferrets to Taiwan
Number of Pets: 3
Pet Type: Mustela Putorius Furo
Pet Breed: Ferrets
From: California
To: Taipei, Taiwan
I work for an animal hospital and our clients want to ship three ferrets to their owner in Taipei. Can you tell me what is required and if they have to have a FAVN rabies titer test? Is there a quarantine, and if so, then where do they go? Any information you have will be appreciated.
Hi Amanda,
Thanks for contacting us! In our experience it is no more difficult to move ferrets to Taiwan than it is to move a dog or a cat. Double check the pet import requirements for Taiwan (which does impose a quarantine on animals entering the country for the first time -- here's more information about the Taipei quarantine facility), and contact us if you have any more questions! Good luck!