Pet Travel Question: Is it possible to bypass the Australia quarantine?

Name: Katrina
Number of Pets: 2
Pet Type: Cats
Pet Breed: Tabbies
From: US
To: Australia

Can I move to Hawaii and do the one week quarantine and then to Australia and do the 30 day quarantine? This would be to avoid the six month requirement from US to Australia directly.


Hi Katrina,

Thanks for your question. The process of moving pets to Australia has thrown a wrench into many people's plans, and unfortunately shortcuts are hard to come by. According to the official Australia Quarantine site, if this is the route you choose you will need to spend at least six months in Hawaii before being accepted into Australia for the 30 day quarantine.

We hope this helps! As you can see, pet travel isn't simple, but we're happy to assist you.


PetRelocation Team




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