Pet News This Week: Japan and More

It's hard to think of anything other than Japan's struggle to recover from last Friday's disastrous events, and this week's news headlines certainly reflect the enormity and weight of the situation. Here's how pets and pet travel have been affected.

-It's been a few days since the earthquake and tsunami, and Japan still needs our help. Consider making a donation to an organization such as Doctors without Borders, and if you want to help an animal-related cause, you can assist groups that help displaced pets and rescue dog operations such as World Vets or the Search Dog Foundation.

-Rescue efforts were delayed when teams of rescue dogs were not able to immediately enter the country due to Japan's strict pet import requirements. Would you be ready to make a quick departure if necessary? Read the ASPCA's tips for disaster preparedness with a pet.

-The Kikuchi family barely made it to safety following Friday's quake and unfortunately had to leave their dogs behind. Amazingly Towa and Melody were found alive, and they're now doing their best to cope in the aftermath -- read the full story of the dogs' survival.

-What kind of pet owner are you? In this New York Times article, one doctor divides people into three different personality types and discusses the emotional and social components of having animals in our lives.


(Photo by smerikal via Flickr)


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