Pet Move Customer Testimonial: Maggie’s Move Across The Pond
Pet's Name: Maggie
From: Houston, Texas
To: Cambridge, United Kingdom
Our big adventure started in June 2011 when we found out my husband would be transferred from Houston, Texas to Cambridge, United Kingdom. Our English Setter Maggie would be making the voyage with us, and therefore we had to start as soon as possible with preparations.
Due to UK regulations, Maggie had to be chipped, get another rabies shot, then two weeks later had to have a blood test for rabies. The hardest news was learning that Maggie had to have a six month quarantine from the date of the blood work before she could move to the UK, and we would be leaving the end of August. Maggie stayed behind in the States with relatives to finish out the rest of her quarantine period.
We arrived back in the States to celebrate Christmas and New Years as Maggie's quarantine was coming to an end. kept us up to date with all the paperwork and vet visits that needed to be done before Maggie's voyage over the pond. After two more vet visits, USDA paperwork, and EU Certificates were complete, Maggie was finally ready for her voyage.
Maggie was picked up in a van, taken to the airport and her journey across the pond was made. Once she arrived she went through customs/vet approvals, which was almost eight hours long due to heavy pet shipments that day, and had a driver on standby the entire time. After she was released, drove her two hours from London, Heathrow to Fulbourn, Cambridge.
Thankfully we did the door-to-door service, as it was much easier than waiting at customs for her to be released. Maggie is already adjusted to her new house and yard and is doing great!

Note: As of Jan. 1, 2012, the travel rules for the UK have been relaxed, so pets moving now don't have to jump through as many hoops as Maggie did. Check out the new UK pet import regulations here.