Moving with Pets to Canada!
We recently received a great response from another one of our happy customers, who had some great answers to our basic questions below: Please pay attention to her last response and the 24 hour registration policy for pet friendly Canada!
* How was your experience finding pet care in your new country? Did you
have a hard time finding a vet? Calgary is incredible with pet stores and pet care facilities. The only trouble in finding care was trying to choose which to go to! Because of the extreme winter temps, there are doggy day care centers all over the place!
* How was your pet(s) reaction to the new environment? Do they seem to
enjoy their new surroundings? The biggest adjustment for our pet has been the cold temps. Moving from Bakersfield, California to Calgary, Alberta has been quite a temperature shock for our little Bichon Frise, Angel. While she finds the snow fun, she must wear booties and a coat to go out and play in it. She now owns six jackets two sets of shoes. Not bad for a dog!
* What's your favorite local hotspot that you've discovered? A good
restaurant, a beautiful overlook, a great dog park? We'd like to hear about
it. Calgary pet owners appear to be very responsible pet owners. Dogs are almost always on leashes, owners clean up after their pets, and I have yet to see an unfortunate pet lying deceased on the side of the road. With all of this responsible pet ownership the City of Calgary provides many "Off-leash" parks where owners can take their pet to let them run free.
* What are some things you miss the most about where you came from/the US?
Do you miss a certain type of food or activity that you could only do here? I must say due to the higher level of ownership responsibility and pet care opportunities in Canada Angel's life is much better and more fulfilled in Canada. She even has regular play dates with another dog several times each week!
* Have you found any good options locally for boarding your pets? Several. Our best is our neighbor and their Bichon/shitzu mix Keira.
* If you had to relocate your pet(s) all over again, what would you do
differently? I would be less nervous about relocating them as PetRelocation did a FANTASTIC job. Also, I would look into area requirements for pet registration.
* What was the best/worst part of your pet relocation? Just being nervous about the unknown.
* How long do you plan to stay in your new country? Do you plan to return to
your departure city, or do you have plans to move on to another location? We plan to stay for 3 + years and then plan to move to another location.
* Any other suggestions or helpful tips for pet owners living in your new
country? Yes! In Calgary, they have a 24-hour pet registration policy -- and after just 11 days in the country I found out the hard way about it, to the tune of a $250 pet citation. It was such an unknown law that when the local consumer affairs reporter learned of my citation she did a news report. So within two weeks of being in Calgary we had a record and were on the news!