Moving pets to Singapore! - Quarantine Updates!
Singapore Animal Quarantine Information
The Sembawang Animal Quarantine Station (SAQS) provides a 30 day mandatory quarantine for imported dogs and cats. This is to ensure that diseases such as rabies are not introduced into Singapore.
Due to surge in demand for quarantine space, PetRelocation wishes to advise that SAQS is very heavily booked.
In order to avoid disappointment and to ensure that your travel plans for your pets are smooth, we must apply for quarantine space at least 2 (two) months in advance of anticipated arrival of the pets in Singapore.
Your pets will be placed on the waiting list and PetRelocation will inform you of space availability approximately one month prior to your indicated date of arrival of your pets.
How it works:
Part 1 To make reservation of quarantine space on your behalf (at least two months in advance of anticipated arrival) we must have the completed reservation forms sent back upon engagement of our services. PetRelocation will provide you with the following blank forms:
__ Acceptance of Animals Form (֓AA Form)
__ AVA Application for Permit to Import Animals
__ Authorization Letter
__ Authorization for Veterinary Services (ԓAVA Vet Form)
__ Indemnity for Elderly Pet Form (if necessary)
Part 2 Ԗ We will be able to confirm availability of quarantine space approximately one month prior to date of arrival of your pets.
Part 3 We will need to send your pet in to arrive on the specified quarantine arrival date, as a delay of more than 2 days will result in the spot being forfeited and we will have to begin the process over again (this is the government policy, not a PetRelocation policy).
Helpful Information About Sembawang Quarantine Station
Sembawang Animal Quarantine Station
10 Lorong Chencharu Singapore 769197
Tel: (65) 64822724
Fax: (65) 64822726
Field for Dog-Walking
Fields are available for owners to walk their pets while in SAQS. 15-minute slots are available on a first come, first serve basis and by booking only.
Exercise Hours:
Monday through Saturday: 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Sundays & Holidays: Closed.
Visiting Hours:
Monday through Friday: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Saturdays: 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Sundays & Holidays: Closed.
Quarantine Discharge Hours:
Monday through Sunday, including public holidays: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Frequently Asked Questions:
* How long is the quarantine period & when does the time start?
Cats and dogs, with the exception of those described above are required to undergo a minimum 30-day quarantine. The quarantine period is regarded to have started after the Rabies vaccination is given. Extensions, though rare, are at the sole discretion of the government.
* Does my pet have to have a Rabies vaccination, especially if he just received one?
Yes, the Rabies vaccination is compulsory irrespective of current vaccination status.
* What about other vaccinations or treatments?
Dogs must have current routine vaccinations (more than 2 weeks, less than 1 year) for distemper, hepatitis, rabies and parvovirus. Puppies under 4 months of age must have received 2 vaccinations, one month apart, the latter at least two weeks prior to entry into Singapore. Cats must be vaccinated against Cat Flu( Feline calcivirus, Feline viral rhinotracheitis, Chlamydia psittaci ) & Cat Enteritis( Feline Panieukopaenia / Feline parvovirus ) at least 2 weeks but within 1 year from its date of import.
All imported dogs and cats must be certified treated against external parasites (ticks & fleas) between 2 to 10days prior to export & internal parasites (nematodes and cestodes) within 4 days prior to export to SIN.
* As I travel frequently, can I have a friend visit my pet?
It is important that any visitor - other than the owner(s) as stipulated on the importation permits and quarantine application forms - have a written letter of authorization from the owner(s) to permit access to the quarantine station.
* Is there a veterinarian on duty, and if so, when?
No, other than SAQS staff, a private Veterinarian will be called for when SAQS or Owner requests treatment.
* What type of food is given to the animals at the quarantine station, & how often are they fed?
Animals are fed once or twice daily, depending on owner's request on dry pet food. The current brand is ֓Sportsmix. Owner can get us to supply any other brand of food of their choice.
* My pets require a special diet &/or medication - will someone give these?
Arrangement for specialty diets if notified in advance of the pet's arrival into the quarantine station. While Singapore has many commercial and premium pet foods available, if your pet has distinct or non-typical requirements, it is vital to ensure that stocks are available there, or alternatively, personally supply a particular diet to the quarantine station for the duration of the confinement period.
If your pet requires medication for any existing condition it is very important that this is supplied by the owner(s) in sufficient quantity to last through the entire quarantine, and that PetRelocation is informed in advance of these requirements. Should any existing condition require veterinary attention, the owner(s) will incur veterinary fees.
* Can I bring my own food, toys, pillows, bedding etc. for my pet?
Yes, authorized persons may provide such items to pets in the station, but at the owner's risk. Any such items may have to be destroyed at the end of the quarantine period.
* What preventative health measures should be taken during the quarantine period?
Animals may be exposed to a variety of potentially serious diseases whilst in quarantine. Many can be prevented with the appropriate prophylactic measures. All routine vaccinations should be current, for dogs (& cats) heartworm prophylaxis should continue throughout the quarantine period (if not currently taking heartworm preventatives, these should be started within 4 - 6 weeks of arrival in Singapore), dogs should be kept free of ticks (tick-borne diseases are common here) and cats free of fleas. Due to the hot and humid environment it is recommended that dogs be bathed weekly (with "deticking" on arrival and discharge) to minimize dermatological complaints and heat stress.
* When are pets discharged after their quarantine is finished?
Pets that have completed their quarantine period are discharged Monday to Sunday between 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m., include public holidays. For dogs, the regulations of the Animal Control Centre (AVA) require the presentation of the mandatory dog license prior to release.