Moving Pets to Germany from the UK
Number of Pets: 5
Pet Type: Cats
Pet Breed: 3 domestic house cats, 2 birman cats
From: London, UK
To: Germany
Hello, I am German, have been living in the UK for the past few years, and I'm planning to move back home to Germany. I have no intention of returning to the UK. My cats are vaccinated yearly and four of them are microchipped. If my partner picks me up and we use the tunnel via France, do we need any official documents? As I said, I won't return to the UK so do I need any papers? Many thanks.
Hi Silke,
Thanks for the question! Here are the requirements for Moving Pets to Germany and the Pet Import Requirements for France. When traveling by car and crossing international borders it's still necessary to obtain official documents certifying that your cats are in good health, etc... So take a look at the regulations and let us know if you have any more questions. You also might be interested in reading about Marina's Pet Relocation to Germany, a dog we moved to Germany a few months ago that we featured as our Pet Move of the Month!
Have a safe pet move!