More Cold Weather and Pet Travel Tips
Take a look at these ideas, and feel free to share your own bits of advice about how to be a good pet owner when cold, snow and ice disrupt your normal routine.
-When it's time to brave the outdoors, always keep dogs on a leash, even if they're used to running free. Snow can be disorienting by making it harder to see and smell, so even the savviest pets are more likely to get lost.
-Take good care of your pets' paws. Ice, snow and de-icing salt can be rough on sensitive paw pads, so stick to shoveled areas, apply petroleum jelly or feet covers before going out, and clean your pets' feet when they come back inside.
-Watch out for puddles of antifreeze in driveways, parking lots and garages. Pets like the sweet taste, but this is a harmful substance that should never be ingested.
-Don't leave pets alone inside of cars. They may be protected from the wind and precipitation, but the temperature inside of a car could easily dip dangerously low.
-Make sure pets have access to plenty of (unfrozen) water and food. They might be thirstier and hungrier than usual in response to extreme temperatures.
How do you adjust to snowfall and cold weather? Let us know here or on the PetRelocation Facebook page!