How To Take Good Care of Your Pets During The Holidays

The holidays are a fun but hectic time, and your pets' needs shouldn't be overlooked as you plan your parties, road trips and feasts. How will you keep your pets happy, healthy and safe during the hubbub of the holidays?

Here are a few different scenarios and how to succeed in each one.


Traveling With Your Pets...

-Gather all the supplies necessary for a road trip, including plenty of food, water, meds, extra leashes, and favorite toys, and take a look at these holiday pet travel tips.

-Make sure ID tags are secure and up-to-date. Keep your phone number on the tags, but attach temporary ones displaying the address of where you'll be staying.

-Read up on hotel rules and make sure your hosts know what to expect as far as which pets you're bringing and what they'll require.

-Have a vet contact lined up in the place you'll be visiting, just in case.

-While on the road, try to keep to a normal schedule of feeding times and allow for plenty of exercise to minimize pet anxiety as much as possible.

-If you plan to fly with a pet during the holidays, check up on all airline rules and schedules, as they may be different than usual.


Hiring a Pet Sitter...

-If you're boarding your pet at your vet or another boarding facility, book early and ask about food, exercise breaks and where they'll sleep.

-If your vet is full, look into newer options like DogVacay, a service that allows you to hire pet sitters in your town.

-Authorize your pet sitter to make medical decisions on your behalf by providing written consent.


Staying Home...

-If you're having guests over for a meal or party, be firm about house rules regarding feeding pets. Many foods are dangerous for animals, and non-pet owners simply don't know that.

-Keep all decorations, festive plants, and candles beyond the reach of your curious pets.

-Establish a "safe zone" for pets who may become overwhelmed by too much noise and activity.


Do you have any other tips for having a safe and happy holiday season with your pets? Share them here or on our Facebook page!


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