Happy Take Your Dog to Work Day! Meet Winston, Our Featured Office Dog

Hopefully lots of you are able to celebrate Take Your Dog to Work Day today!

Here at PetRelocation.com we have Winston in the office today (that's a picture of him from last Halloween to the left), and we thought we'd take a moment to introduce you to him. We asked Pet Relocation Specialist Abbey to tell us a little about her favorite furry dude below... Happy Friday, everyone!


Tell us a little bit about Winston.

Winston is 9 years old. He’s a grumpy old man even though he looks like a puppy! He’s a Silky Terrier. Very similar to Yorkies but they get a little bigger. I’ve had him since he was 6 weeks old.

How did you decide to name him 'Winston'?

I came up with Winston because he was very dignified (even as a 6 week pup) and needed a very dignified name. I think it fits perfect!  We also call him “W” or “Winnie.”

How does Winston like to spend his time?

He loves to be around people. He has a ton of personality and is a big dog in a little package, but he will also cuddle up next to you on the couch. We take him with us everywhere we can. He is really well behaved at restaurants and often gets ooooh’s and awww’s. Since he thinks he is a person, he rarely plays with other dogs. We’re trying to get him better about this, but at 9, he’s pretty stuck in his ways. His favorite games are keep away and tug of war.

What's his personality like?

He is very bossy. He often barks at dogs when they are rough housing. He likes for dogs to behave.  Everyone should behave.  In fact, he even bosses Patrick and I around. 9:30 is his chosen bed time.  Like clockwork, he heads upstairs at 9:30. He’ll wait about 15 minutes and then he comes back downstairs. He will then insist on us coming to bed as well.    

What's Winston's favorite toy?

I purchased Winston in San Antonio. On the drive home, we stopped at PetSmart and he picked out this stuffed thing from the bottom shelf.  He insisted on carrying it out of the store even though it was bigger than him at the time. He has slept with it every night since. We call it his “baby.” He will run downstairs and grab his baby before he will settle into bed. It has almost disintegrated. We have performed emergency surgeries on the baby, searched high and low when it’s been misplaced, and I am petrified that the baby has a very limited amount of time left before it is completely vaporized.  These “babies” are no longer in stores.

Does he have any favorite treats?

He loves carrots!  He will eat any people food except pickles. He is very picky about his treats.  I am often embarrassed when people try to give him a less than acceptable treat.  He is very dramatic about the whole thing and lets the treat roll of his tongue and land on the floor. He will then turn his head away in disgust. (He has a flair for the dramatic just like his mom!)

How about traveling?

He is a perfect traveler! He rides very well in the car. When we’re going slow he likes to stick his head out the window. He also likes riding on the boat. He’s a good swimmer, but he prefers no swimming. He’s small enough to fit under the seat on a plane, so he has taken several flights in-cabin. He is very good and when I pull him out at the end of the flight, people often comment that they didn’t even know he was there.

Is Winston excited about being included in Take Your Dog to Work Day?

He loves going anywhere I go. Including work. When I walk out the door and turn around and say “Come on Winston,” he gets very excited and runs straight to the car door.  He’s not impressed by the amount of time we have to stay at work and ends up sleeping on the upstairs couches half the day. He also likes going to doggy daycare. When he can’t come to work, he gets to go to doggy daycare a couple of days a week.


Thanks for sharing, Abbey!

Did you get to bring your dog to work today? Tell us about your hard-working pups here or on our Facebook page!


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