Five Ways to Keep Pets Safe This Fourth of July
With the Fourth of July holiday weekend coming up, many of us are focused on packing our beach bags, stocking up on grilling supplies and visiting the fireworks stands.
Are you thinking about what's in store for your pets during all the hubbub, too? Remember, what's relaxing for us can sometimes be stressful for our four-legged friends, and this weekend has a tendency create a few hazards.
Here are a few simple tips for keeping pets safe over the Fourth of July:
-If you're traveling with your pet, be sure to properly restrain him or her in the car and bring along all medications, plenty of food, an extra leash, and a first aid kit. It's a good idea to have your pet microchipped if you haven't already and to also carry a recent photo with you.
-Try to keep your pet on as consistent an exercise and feeding schedule as you can and stick to a regular diet. Table scraps and "special treats" can lead to upset stomachs.
-On that note, keep human sunscreen, bug repellent, alcoholic drinks and anything else your pet might try to ingest well out of reach. The ASPCA has more safety ideas.
-Due to loud noises, bright lights and general chaos, many pets go missing on the Fourth. Rather than taking them out to fireworks displays, leave them at home where it's quieter and they can't escape.
-It's best to keep pets away from smaller fireworks, too. Sparklers, black cats and the like can cause injury, and remnants can be dangerous when sniffed too closely or swallowed.
Do you have anything to add? Feel free to share your summer pet advice with us here or on Facebook. Have a fun weekend, everyone, and keep those pets safe!
Photo by bayasaa via Flickr