Fellow IPATA Members Visit the PetRelocation Office
A Visit With our IPATA Friends
PetRelocation belongs to an international network of pet shipping specialists called IPATA (the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association), which means we are able to meet and share information with some of the world's best service providers in our field.
Last week we attended a regional IPATA meeting in Dallas, TX (that's just a few hours away from our Austin headquarters), and there we were able to get to know a few of our colleagues a little bit better.
In fact, a few of them were so interested in what we do that they decided to prolong their time in Texas and come down to our office for a visit. Today Manuel Leunda from Las Lunas in Argentina and Simon Jackson from Dogtainers in Australia were kind enough to spend some time with us for a "Lunch & Learn."
Manuel is actually the current president of IPATA, and he updated us on all the latest pet shipping news and plans for expansion in South America. Simon is the IPATA Treasurer, and he answered our questions about Australia import rules and how they may be changing in the coming years.
The world of pet travel is busy, complex and dynamic, so we were happy to have the chance to catch up with these friendly experts. It's always beneficial to have face-to-face meetings with people we normally do business with by phone and email, and we love showing off the great city of Austin to out of town guests, as well.
Thanks to Manuel and Simon for stopping by and giving us great overviews of the important work they do. Thanks also to Kyle Freeman from VIP Sitters in Canada, who stopped by last Friday to say hello. Come back anytime, y'all!