Fact or Fluff? Cat People vs. Dog People
For example, apparently cat people are 17% more likely to have completed a graduate degree and are 25% more likely to name George Harrison as their favorite Beatle. Dog people are 23% more likely to have iPhones and like to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm.
The survey doesn't touch upon pet travel, but it would be interesting to see what trends exist in this realm. Do cat people prefer different destinations than dog people? Does one group tend to relocate more than the other? Most of the moves orchestrated by PetRelocation.com are dog moves (roughly 55% are dog-only moves, 25-30% are cat-only moves and the remaining are mixtures of the two or include birds or other pets), so does that mean cat people are more likely to stay home?
Let us know if you think there are certain character traits that go along with being a cat person or a dog person. Is there any truth to these findings, or should this simply be filed away in the "entertainment" category?