Dogs Don’t Eat Chocolate
So there I was last Friday night, enjoying a plate of Molé Pablano at a local eatery while entertaining some out of town guests when it occurred to me that dogs don't eat chocolate. Some of you may be wondering what I am talking about, just read on because I'm not too sure either.
The connection, however, is the molé sauce. Molé Pablano is a sauce used in Mexican cooking that contains, to a certain extent, chocolate. So there we have the chocolate. I was eating it in a restaurant, so there we have the restaurant. I was thinking about what I could write for my weekly blog and viola: Chocolate + Restaurant + Blog necessity = Blog entry!
Now some of you may still wondering where I am going with this, you're not alone. We're in this one together. Living and working in Austin, TX one will quickly understand the idea of "dog friendly" does not stop at the pet store. People can, and do, bring their pets with them almost anywhere. Yes, even restaurants.
So here is where I am going with this, a few weeks ago I asked readers for ideas they have come up with to creatively bath their pets in their apartment without creating a large mess. This week I would like to find out what places in your hometown offer pet friendly environments. Share your stories, experiences, and/or rants on the issue. Someone may be moving with pets to your town that really wants to find a place to go hang out with their pet.