AllExperts Question: Bulldogs living in Abu Dhabi?
Name: Dawn
Subject: Bulldogs in Abu Dhabi
Question: Good afternoon,
I have read through your blog and thought you might be the perfect person to whom I should ask this question.
I have a 4 month old English Bulldog puppy. My husband has just started a new job in Abu Dhabi and thinks they will ask him to move in country.
My question is this: Are there any other bulldogs in the UAE? I know it gets so very hot there in the summer, but of course, she would be inside in the A/C with me. I also know that under no circumstances would I relocate her during those hot months. I was more curious as to how you think she would do, living there?
Thanks so much for your thoughts on this delicate situation. As much as I would love to have her with me, her health is far more important.
Answer: Hello Dawn!
Thanks so much for your question! You're right, keeping your bulldog healthy in Abu Dhabi is something that will take some special considerations. First, due to the potential respiratory problems of all snub nosed breeds, not just bulldogs, we won't even put them on a plane. The health risks just make it too unsafe for us to feel comfortable with. As far as Abu Dhabi, we actually have a specialist who just got back from there (she was visiting family), and according to her, the air quality is pretty poor. The dust is everywhere and for a dog as sensitive as a bulldog, you might run into some problems. Although temperature is important, not being able to breathe properly is actually the biggest risk when considering whether or not to move your dog. Sorry I couldn't offer a solution or more positive answer. If you would like to get a more specific explanation, our specialist, Scotty would be able to give you more information on why bulldogs are at such an increased risk and maybe some helpful information on how you would be able to move her if you decide to go ahead and do so. His email address is Scotty [at] petrelocation [dot] com. Again, thanks for your question, and when the health of your dog is in question, a move like this probably is not a very good idea.