You Have a Pet “WHAT”?!
When conversation arises about the pet transport relocation of family pets, focus typically rears its head as the mind pictures more common animals such as dogs or cats. Given the abundance of our canine and feline counterparts in households the world over, itҒs understandable how some of the more exoticӔ species are overlooked, yet the actual numbers in which these pets present themselves is clearly reason not to dismiss the special needs necessary to ensure these unique creatures a safe and comfortable lifestyle.
To put things into perspective, nearly 63% of domestic households own at least one pet. Of these, nearly 4.3 million homes play host to a total of 13.4 million reptiles in the U.S. alone. Placed in a broader spectrum, these figures show that about 4.3% of U.S. households own reptiles --- roughly 1 in 23 homes! Given these figures, it remains nothing short of amazing that nearly $2.3 billion was spent on reptiles in 2006!
That being said, its important for us to remember that, and animal relocation in general, does not concentrate solely on our ғfurry friends. We offer the same expert attention to your familyԒs Leopard Gecko or Scarlet Macaw as we would to a 120lb. Rottweiler. While some pets may differ in size, shape, and personality, it doesnt make them any less special in the hearts of their owner --- or in the eyes of the staff at!