Vacationing With Your Pet
As we embark on this Labor Day weekend, would like to offer you some tips on traveling on vacation with your pet.
* If the pet travels with you, it will retain a sense of identity. However, pets can become frightened and bolt away from you out of open doors and windows. Keep your pet on a leash when outside your car or hotel.
* Whether your pet travels with you or by another means it should wear a special identification tag in addition to its regular one. Write the pet's name, your name, the person to contact at the destination, their phone number, a destination address, or that of a friend or relative, in case you want to be reached.
* If your dog or cat is not used to traveling by car, make short trips with the pet a week or two in advance of the trip to accustom it to motion and to teach it how to behave.
* Dogs should be taught to lie quietly, keep their heads inside, and not annoy the driver or passengers. Don't let your dog stick his head in the wind. It can irritate eyes and cause problems.
* Cats are often frightened by car travel, but some cats adjust quickly. Some persons allow the cat to find its own place in the car; others feel it is best to confine a cat to its carrier.
* Folding kennels or crates especially designed for station wagons can be most useful for dogs and cats.
* Accustom your pet to being on a leash and harness. Always use the leash when traveling. Even better is a pet harness (available at most pet stores) that connects to the car's seatbelt; it allows the pet some movement while keeping it safely restrained. Your pets can bolt into traffic or become lost in a strange place if not properly restrained.
* If stopping overnight, check in advance to find a motel that will permit your pet to spend the night.
* Be sure that your pet is properly tagged and its rabies tag firmly attached.
* Pet travel kit: pet food, food and water dishes, can opener (if needed), a few treats, a favorite toy, a blanket, comb or brush.