Simplify Your Pet’s Move Through Simple Preparation
Moving is stressful on everyone. Things get forgotten, items get lost, and everything does not always go according to plan. While this may be understandable, if not outright acceptable for many material goods, we don't want anything to happen to our loved and irreplaceable pets. By taking certain measures before, during, and after your pet move, you are not only preventing further headaches, but you will also make the transition much easier on your furry friends' pet transport.
Contact the local government of the community you are moving to and get the policies and laws regarding any limits on the numbers of dogs or cats per household, any banning of certain breeds, nuisance ordinances to control barking, prohibitions against certain types of fencing, and any other local rules or regulations. Also contact the local department of health for specific laws requiring health certificates for entering dogs or cats. If you are moving into a residential subdivision, townhouse, condominium, or apartment complex, it is also essential that you understand the policies regarding pets.
Make sure your pet is up-to-date on all of its shots and has been treated for any medical problems several weeks prior to the move. Also ensure that their rabies inoculations are current and that you check for any additional diseases that might be prevalent in the new location that can be vaccinated against. In addition, ask your current vet for a copy of your petҒs records and any recommendations they might have for a vet in your new area.
The constant bustle of moving men, shifting furniture, and overall increase in activity can be stressful to your pet and might also prove frustrating to you, if your pet gets in the way. Rather than having to tend to your pet on moving day, send it to a neighbor, friend, boarding kennel, or day care center. When its time for the actual move, make sure to pack some of your petҒs favorite toys and food for the journey to your new home. If it seems nervous, try feeding it small amounts until it is settled in the new house and/or yard.
Dont bring your pet home until the furniture arrives and you are ready to sleep in your new bedroom. If thereҒs any type of gap between arrival to a new area and the actual move into the new home, find a boarding facility for your pet to prevent further stress on both you and him.
Once moved in, unpack your pets toys, bed, and food and water as soon as possible and put them in the same general places they were in your old home. For example, if your petҒs water dish was previously in the kitchen, place it in the new kitchen. Also try introducing yourself to your neighbors and telling them about your pet.
Finally, find a local veterinary clinic and make an appointment to assess the vet and allow him/her to meet your pet before any exams are needed. That way, you can get a good feel for them and determine if they are the right fit for you and your pet. In addition, if your pet is micro-chipped, dont forget to call the registry to change your address and telephone number.
Most importantly, be patient. While it might take some animals a few hours to get used to their new surroundings, it might take others days, weeks, or even months. Pets all have their own unique personalities and different coping mechanisms, and thatҒs why we always love them!