“Should I Drive or Fly My Pet Across The Country?”

Hi there,

Do you provide ground transportation travel for animals moving within the United States? We do not want to fly our dog.

Thanks so much!


Hi Briana,

Thanks, great question! We do not provide ground transportation ourselves, but we do have recommendations for you.

1. You can search online for ground transport options (we recommend IPATA.org as a source for finding reputable agents).

2. You can reconsider. Many pet owners are naturally averse to the idea of air cargo travel for their pets, but often the more they find out about the process, the more it seems like a good choice. We fly all of our clients' pets via air cargo on pet safe airlines like United. Read more about cargo travel myths and facts and keep an open mind if ground transport doesn't work out after all.

For all traveling pets, we recommend looking over these frequently asked pet travel questions and suggest speaking with your vet about any health related questions you may have.

As always, you're welcome to contact us to discuss your move in more detail. We have a team of domestic specialists ready to speak with you on the phone during our business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST), or you can also submit a quote request here.

Hope this helps! Good luck with your travels and let us know if we can be of service.

Pet Travel Question Details:

Name: Briana
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Mix breed (Rescue)
From: Sandusky, Ohio
To: Scottsdale, AZ


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