Do I need a USDA form which needs a USDA certified vet to sign to take my dog to live with me in Amsterdam? Will they require a rabies titer test? Will she need a rabies shot which she had 1 1/2 years ago but it seems though she may need another to enter another country (even though she is not due one yet). Do I need any other documentation? Thank you, Rita
Hi Rita,
Thanks for your online inquiry! Yes, you will need a USDA form, signed by a USDA certified vet for your dog's relocation. You will not need a rabies titre test for entry into Amsterdam from the US. The rabies shot must have been given within the last year so even though you may have gotten a 3-year vaccine, you will need to get another one done at least 30 days prior to your pet travel to Amsterdam. Finally, you can find more detailed information regarding
rules and requirements for your dog's relocation to Amsterdam by clicking here.
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I wish you and your pup a happy and successful pet move to Amsterdam!