Planning International Pet Travel: Tips for Traveling With Pets Over The Holidays

Planning International Pet Travel: Tips for Traveling With Pets Over the Holidays

The holiday season is an opportune time to catch up with family and friends, and it's no surprise that many people also choose this period for relocation. While combining a long holiday break with an international move might seem efficient, traveling with pets during this time presents unique challenges. Here are essential tips for ensuring a smooth pet relocation during the holiday season:

1. Navigate the Pre-Export Timeline Strategically

International pet relocations usually require a veterinary visit within ten days of departure to secure health documents, followed by USDA endorsements. The USDA offices close on December 25 and January 1 during the holidays. Factor in a probable backlog and your timeframe for securing necessary documentation narrows significantly.

Actionable Tip: Schedule your pet's flights to ensure the USDA endorsements occur well before or after the holiday rush.

2. Anticipate and Mitigate Risks

The holiday season is notorious for congested airports and unpredictable weather conditions. These factors disproportionately affect animals flying in the cargo hold, as they are often the first to experience rerouting or rescheduling to prioritize their safety.

Actionable Tip: The safest strategy is to plan your pet's relocation well before the holiday week to circumvent any unforeseen obstacles.

3. Make Informed Decisions

Is hiring a pet relocation service right for you? Understanding the costs involved and the services provided minimizes surprises and ensures a smooth transition for your pet. Learn more about our pricing and pet movement procedures [here]

4. US-Based Operations Impact Availability

We are based in the United States and observe U.S. holidays, including Thanksgiving. It's crucial to note that the USDA is closed on specific dates, which may affect your pet's travel plans.

Actionable Tip: If you're targeting a holiday move, consider these U.S.-specific closings.

5. Limited Availability During Peak Times

The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year for us, and there's a high likelihood that our schedule may already be full. If we can't accommodate your desired move date, rescheduling might be necessary, pushing your move to January or later.

Actionable Tip: Reach out as soon as possible to secure a spot. We take on a limited number of moves each month, so early engagement is crucial.

6. Boarding Facilities Fill Up Fast

During the holidays, boarding facilities tend to reach total capacity quickly. The more time you give yourself to plan, the better your chances are of securing a spot for your pet.

Actionable Tip: To avoid any last-minute scrambling, book boarding services well in advance, ideally when planning your move.

7. Act Now for the Best Results

Everything—from available move dates to flight options—becomes constrained during the holidays. To ensure a smooth move, starting the planning process as soon as possible is advisable.

Actionable Tip: If you're considering hiring us for your pet's relocation, initiating the process soon is imperative to avoid disappointment.

The complexity of relocating pets during the holiday season should not be underestimated. Being prepared and well-informed can save you from unnecessary headaches and ensure your pet's welfare, safety, and comfort.

Looking for advice on how and when to relocate your pet(s) in the New Year? Check out our pricing information and how we move pets to determine whether hiring PetRelocation suits you. Happy Howl-idays! 

Last updated: October 23, 2023


PetRelocation Team


