Pet Travel Update: Pet Travel Restrictions to Be Aware of
Occasionally airlines and airports make important announcements regarding pet policies (or policies in general) that may require passengers to make other arrangements. Here are a couple of things to be aware of if you'll be traveling with pets anytime soon:
-Until further notice,
Lufthansa will not be shipping any live animals from Chicago O'Hare (ORD) or Detroit Metro Airport (DTW).
-Starting yesterday,
Cathay Pacific Airlines will no longer accept snub-nosed breed pets, which include pugs, bulldogs and Himalayan and Persian cats. They cite safety reasons (brachycephalic breeds have a greater risk of overheating and suffering from breathing problems) and join a few other airlines in operating with a similar policy. Read more about
travel restrictions regarding snub-nosed breeds.
Check back with us for more updates, and
contact us if you have any questions!