Pet Travel Story: Mojo’s Move to Germany

Incredible Experiences: Dog Travel From the US to Germany

Mojo is like our son, so when we got an opportunity to move from the US to Germany our first concern was how to get him there. Mojo is almost six and has never stayed in a kennel, let alone flown on an airplane. 
Our vet recommended PetRelocation since she had another client who used their services to fly their dog from the US to Australia, and she said it was a seamless process. I contacted PetRelocation, who was very kind answering all of our MANY questions, and they explained in detail many things to us.
Although Mojo is still adjusting to his new German lifestyle, we are happy that the whole family is together once again. 
Many thanks to Mike and Bethany!!  We could not have done this transition without you!!
Pet Travel Details:
Name: Debbie
Pet's Name: Mojo
From: Michigan, US
To: Germany

Ready to start planning your pet's move? Contact us to discuss your safe pet shipping options. 


PetRelocation Team




United States, EU, Germany