Pet Travel Question: Moving a Cat from Russia to South Korea

Name: Anastasia
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Cat
Pet Breed: Tabby
From: Khabarovsk, Russia
To: Seoul, South Korea


I want to move my cat from Khabarovsk, Russia to Seoul, South Korea. I would like to know what documents do I have to have? I have just moved my cat from the United States to Russia, so I already have some paper work. I just want to know the exact paper work I have to prepare before I go.

Thank You,



Hi Anastasia,

Check out the pet import requirements for South Korea. There you will find a list of required documents. Additionally, as of late 2012, South Korea now requires pets traveling from non-rabies-free countries (such as the US and Russia) to obtain a rabies antibody titer test within 24 months of traveling. This new requirement, as well as a list of internationally approved testing laboratories, can be found here. As you'll notice, all of these required documents will need to be endorsed by a local branch of Russia's veterinary authority in order for your cat to enter South Korea.

If you have any more questions about pet transport, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for your question and good luck with your move!


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