Pet Travel Question: Exporting a Dog from Egypt

Name: Gail
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Cat
Pet Breed: Persian
From: Cairo, Egypt
To: Minnesota, USA

I live in Cairo, Egypt but am currently with family in Minnesota. Because of unforeseen problems I am unable to return to Cairo for some time. My pet Persian cat Oscar is currently boarded at an Egyptian cat shelter, but under these circumstances I would prefer to bring him to Minnesota.

Unfortunately my finances are somewhat limited, and therefore I would like to know what is the most inexpensive way of transporting him to the USA. A friend can deliver him to an Egyptian airport if necessary, and I can pick him up from any airport from Minnesota to Chicago. Any information will be very welcome, thank you.


Hi Gail,

Thank you for contacting us with your question. These are the pet import requirements for the United States (which luckily aren't as complicated as those for many other countries). The most inexpensive option would be to handle the move yourself (as opposed to hiring agents or a door-to-door service like ours), so you'll just want to make sure you attend to the details carefully (choose an airline-approved crate, purchase the plane ticket, allow time to pass through customs, etc.).

Please contact us if you have more questions, and also feel free to check out, a free resource that will help you along. Good luck and keep in touch!


PetRelocation Team


